Monday, February 16, 2015

weekly animal spotlight 5: Chinese ring-necked pheasant

Hi guys! this is my very first bird spotlight!

     the Chinese ring-neck pheasant is in the Galliforme (game bird) family.  They live throughout Asia and their scientific name is Phasianus cholchicus. they have a call that sounds a lot like a chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) call.  there are a wide veriety of forms of male pheasant color.  They have 30 subspecies and some of them are domesticated.  As with many other species of game bird, they are very commonly hunted.  Some of their predators are humans (Homo sapiens), grey foxes (Urycyon cenereoargenteus), and coyotes (Canis latrans).


  1. Oh my gosh, how awesome! Thanks for doing this Chase. You must have jumped right on this, you got it done in no time! Very good job, I love it!

    1. thank you for the request, it helps a lot, i have been thinking and thinking about what to do next.

    2. Chase. I heard something very interesting the other day but don't know much about it. It was called "the great dinosaur rush". It was a period of time when two guys (one named cope and the other named marsh) were in a crazy competition of some sort to discover dinosaur bones. Since you know more about dinosaurs than anyone I know, I was wondering if you could do a blog about them? Thanks!
