Saturday, March 28, 2015

Weekly Animal Spotlight 6: Portuguese Man-Of War

The Portuguese man-of war is a beautiful creature that is also very deadly.  It is made of other animals that build up the man of war itself. the animals are called zooids, and they connect to one another to build it up. It lives at the top of the ocean and can deliver a painful sting.  The man-of war has no means of propulsion, so it can only move from wind and ocean currents. A way of helping with a sting is putting salt water on top of the wound, do not use fresh water, it tends to make the affected area worse.

Monday, February 16, 2015

weekly animal spotlight 5: Chinese ring-necked pheasant

Hi guys! this is my very first bird spotlight!

     the Chinese ring-neck pheasant is in the Galliforme (game bird) family.  They live throughout Asia and their scientific name is Phasianus cholchicus. they have a call that sounds a lot like a chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) call.  there are a wide veriety of forms of male pheasant color.  They have 30 subspecies and some of them are domesticated.  As with many other species of game bird, they are very commonly hunted.  Some of their predators are humans (Homo sapiens), grey foxes (Urycyon cenereoargenteus), and coyotes (Canis latrans).

Friday, February 6, 2015

weekly animal spotlight 4: moose

hi guys!  I'm back with another weekly animal spotlight!

     The moose, is an amazing and beautiful animal from North America and Europe.  they eat most land and aquatic plants, and its scientific name is Alces alces.  They mainly live in decideous and boreal forests. their main predators are grey wolfs (Canis lupus), brown bears (ursus arctos), and humans (Homo sapiens).  Once, some were introduced into New Zealand, and (possibly) went extinct.

Monday, January 12, 2015

weekly animal spotlight 3: the Fossa

the Fossa is a strange animal from Madagascar.  it is a carnivore and eats lemurs, and rodents.  it looks as if it is a type of cat although it is actually closley related to mongooses, civets and Meerkats. Fossas are active both day and night and are very fast, adding to their incredible agility. they can climb trees very well and can jump very far. their scientific name is Cryptoprocta Ferox. sadly, not much more is known about the fossa.

Monday, January 5, 2015

weekly animal spotlight 2: reindeer

the reindeer is a interesting and famous animal that lives in Canada and Russia. Sadly reindeer probably do not fly, though they are kept in herds and raised. Up in the north where they live, reindeer cheese is very popular. their scientific name is Rangifer Terandus. They are related to all species of deer, and many predators target them. predetors include arctic wolfs, (Canis Lupus Arctos) and arctic foxes (Vulpes Lagopus). They have large antlers and light brown fur. They eat mosses, ferns, and grasses. Every year large herds of reindeer migrate 1,000,000 miles. Along the way, they can get parasites that make them weak, and targets for predators.