Monday, November 7, 2011

cute pics

livvy my little sister

livvy was a tiny girl.   she was sow cute and she was sow sweet.  She was my love of my life --oh yes she learned how to play nicly.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

common snake neck turtle

this turtle has a rely long neck it is cool.  want to see more pics?  just go on google and serch the title

yello spottid river turtle

one of lorger south amarican river turtle this speciecs can be recognized by its black or brown  oval carapace wich has low keels on the secount  and third scutes yellow spots on the side of the head.

african helmeted turtle

 also known as the marsh terrapin this sideneck turtle is fairly uniformly patterned  olive green or suturing on the scutes.

Friday, July 29, 2011


i  went on an advinture up the mountin.  we fond cat face spiders and stink bugs, spider webs and carvings, worm traks and crab fossels and last of all- moths!!!
me and bradon.......holding  mommys hand

my mom and dad on our hike

my dad showd us petrogliffs

my sister found worm tracks
more petrogliffs of some peaple
sommer found a sand doller fossil

I caught a moth, stink bug, and some artafacts. (fur and butterfly cocoon and catipiller. and aksadently a tiny cat face spider!!!
See that spider on my bug net!

My mom took sunset pictures

Look at all these spider webs!!! and spiders

my little sister
high up the mountain

At 6 years old

Today I turned 7.  My favorite things at 6 years old:
My animal encyclopedia
Fruit, macaroni and mashed potatoes-mixed, egg in the holes
i want to open my museum.

i hope to get some smithsonian handbooks for my birthday.
i want to be a scientist.
favorite songs are
praise to the man, national anthem

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

aligater gar

aligater gars are vary dageruse fish tay bite with vary sharp teeth

Friday, May 20, 2011

realy werd dream.

    last nigt my nigtmear was happy weard and worst of all so me and my frend morgan found a dinosaur skeleton we tryd to dig it up intal me and my frend titus found a tornato comming up we ran in to the skoole and wint home now heres the weard part my grandma. siad she had weard man butmy mom siad she had super man.

the story of balto

balto was have wolf  and have dog he got medicin for the ill childen

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fish I like

Today I have been studying Wels Catsfish.  Here are some of its features:

With its thick, slimy skin and lack of scales, the fish glides in and out of dense weed with ease.
Body: the animals body is long and tapered  with a flattened  belly for hugging in the riverbed in flowing water.

What I like about this catfish is how long it is

Monday, May 9, 2011


Seeds come in many different shapes and sizes.
                                     SEE!!! Look at all of the different kinds of seeds!  There are so many kinds of seeds that you can't even imagine!!! AMAZING!!!!  :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)